Archive for the ‘appel’ Category

Viber iOS 7

L’application de messagerie instantanée gratuite Viber arrive enfin sur BlackBerry 10 et s’offre un lifting concret sur iOS 7.

Rachetée en février dernier pour 900 millions de dollars par Rakuten, Viber Media aurait tort d’oublier son application Viber. Fort d’une base d’utilisateurs actifs de 100 millions d’usagers, le logiciel permettant notamment de passer des appels et de s’envoyer des messages débarque enfin sur BlackBerry 10 (en version 3.1.16). Et, à l’instar de bien des applications,google_ad_client = “pub-“; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 240; google_ad_format = “120x240_as”; google_ad_type = “text_image”; google_color_border = “FFFFFF”; google_color_bg = “0000FF”; google_color_link = “FFFFFF”; google_color_text = “000000”; google_color_url = “008000”; il s’offre une mise à jour majeure sur iOS 7 pour notamment mieux coller au nouveaudesign de l’OS mobile d’App


Viber iOS 7 3

Une refonte nécessaire

Viber 4.2, disponible comme d’habitude sur iTunes, change donc de visage pour s’adapter à iOS 7. Mais, au-delà de ce lifting qui aura traîné et des habituelles corrections de bugs, l’application se dote également de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est désormais possible d’envoyer plusieurs photos et vidéos d’un coup à un contact,  de bloquer un numéro ou un contact ou encore d’envoyer de plus longs messages vidéo.
Viber iOS 7 2
Talmon Marco, le PDG de Viber déclare : « Viber a été redésigné de zéro afin d’offrir simplicité et facilité d’utilisation. En nous inspirant du look propre et plat d’iOS 7, nous voulions que Viber donne l’impression d’être intégré de manière transparente à votre appareil. Notre priorité est la communauté enthousiaste des utilisateurs qui comptent sur Viber chaque jour pour communiquer avec leurs amis, famille et contacts importants. La nouvelle version iPhone que nous avons publiée aujourd’hui rend plus facile et plus amusant que jamais de rester connecté. »

Viber débarque sur BlackBerry 10 et se met à jour sur iOS 7

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Reports: iPhone 6 launch in May 2014

Posted: December 25, 2013 in appel, ios, iphone 6
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I press sources news of their intention to launch their new Apple smart and waited (iPhone 6) in May , in the spring of next year, 2014 , which does not match what Apple has done with the Released every fall and exactly in the month of October each year recent innovations in smartphones and tablets, the news came a day after the proclamation of the message Tim Cook to employees.

Transfer News website ( Digitimes ) from private sources in Apple’s supply chain, and confirms that the company is preparing to launch two , the first smart phone should iPhone 6 and the second is an iPad Pro tablet, which is will screen measures 13 inches.

But in the matter by the sudden transfer site Digitimes is to launch a new smartphone iPhone 6 will be exceptionally in May instead of October, which is used in smartphones company offers the same , while the iPad Phone Pro tablet will be released in October of the same year.

As part of this ” the news is confirmed , ” the iPhone 6 come many advantages, including the measurement of the screen , which could be up to 5 inches, and 20 nm processor will of the Taiwanese company TSMC .

Reports: iPhone 6 launch in May 2014

appel, iphone 6, ios

The best Fitness

The latest two designs for Apple TV

Posted: December 24, 2013 in appel, ios, TV, windows
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Still form the technology evolves and fight at lightning speed and superb saves Athva stations and attracted the rapid development and engineering design different ways of Altknololgih who became dominate the whole world and many people become obsessed with the show a new technology application and any speech.
Among these versions are available from Apple for Apple TV versions, but first we know what is camel T

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 1 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV

If you like watching movies and YouTube channel and if you like looking at the pictures in different Apple devices, and applications that you want to connect the net for a big screen TV or giant if you need the device to Apple TV, which raised Apple offers this feature.
Since the Apple TV works effectively to store movies, videos and other visual elements you look for, and this is one of the most important applications available to iOS hardware.

Here are the most important and the latest forms of the Apple TV Ptsamamadtha new and unique, we offer through this article, the last two models of Apple TV, which is designed by the designer Martin Hajek, where one of them is designed flat screen without the Fund and the other designed a curved top and image below describes Altsamamin detail

First: the Apple TV flat screen TVs without Fund (Open Box)

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 3 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 4 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV

Second: Apple TV with a curved screen (The Ahead of the Curve)

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 7 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 11 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV

أبل تي في ثقف نفسك 13 أحدث تصميمين لأبل تي في  Apple iTV
Really designs atop the accuracy and magnificence and beauty
You can buy Apple TV device for placing on the market?

The latest two designs for Apple TV

appel, ios, windows, TV

The best Fitness

Befor it was the belief that the tool to break the lock ( jailbreak ) based iOS 7 not only reach at the beginning of next year , 2014 , the team launched Evad3rs break the lock on your smartphone operating system internet, iOS 7, and became available to everyone.

Evad3rs proposed by the team available systems (Windows , Mac OS X and Lennox ) and all iPhone , iPad and OS devices that use the iOS 7 7.0 iOS and iOS new tool 7.0.4 same copy .

Advised by specialists perform break the lock ( jailbreak ) to first make a backup copy of the data on the device , as recommended to disable the lock screen password of the device.

The team Evad3rs recommends all users of the tool to break the lock not to undertake operations on the operating system or iTunes during the process of breaking the lock, and restart the program if a process EvasiOn7 interrupt and the device is restarted.

It should be noted that this process is considered Qanueh the United States , except that (Apple) considers that the obligations of the abolition of the guarantee.

To download the jailbreak break the lock code of professional suggests you log on the following link :  (

Evasi0n7 jailbreak finally available for Apple iOS devices 7

appel, evasion7, ios, jailbreak

The best Fitness

Apple has hired one of the top managers design work for Nike products can be worn in Cupertino. Ben Shaffer has served as director of Studio Nike Innovation Kitchen, which is the arm of sport and development research of the company responsible for products such as Nike FuelBand, which is said to be a favorite among Apple executives, including including Bob Mansfield, and CEO Tim Cook.

We do not know exactly what the position will be held in Shaffer Apple, but this hypothesis is just that it will work on clothing such as long iWatch rumor. Cupertino have been aggressively hiring talent to work on smartwatch recently.

Again in July, reports surfaced that Apple and hiring professionals in the health field sensor working on the wristwatch and last month, the company poached fitness guru Jay Blahnik, who consulted FuelBand on .

Cook was quite open about his opinion of portable devices . Again the D11, in the month of May, the Commission said that the idea of smartwatches and clothing similar incredibly interesting and the market was ripe for exploration.

Apple was one of the first to operate on the frequency smartwatch when he started this term to become sexy. The company is expected to launch by the end of the year, and although it can still happen , it seems unlikely that much . According to recent reports may not appear until late hour in 2014 that the effort involves difficult technical problems that have not yet been able to solve.

Apple hired the best Nike designer to work on WEARABLES

appel, designer, WEARABLES, nike

The best Fitness

During the past month, there have been new patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Center, reveal that Apple is planning to work or iPhone screen with a destructive device on a fictitious manner. Here the shape of the iPhone screen 6 was striking.

The site has been created technology T3 British specialist, has created a new 3D virtual design showing the iPhone screen with 6 clearly destructive 1615 × 1800, of course, it is difficult, if not impossible, at present and i mean the iPhone 6.
As can be seen below imaginative design, the design of the iPhone 6 is hitting the screen does not come with the Home button, and it appears from the video that holds the bar on the side of the apparatus for the volume control knob to mute.
In the video also shows that the iPhone 6 comes with a basement bar “Dock” has eight applications, in addition to NFC technology and a 2 megapixel front camera and the rear part is dedicated to the games, and possibility of controlling the voice while watching the video on the side.

Imagine a new design shows the screen of the iPhone 6 wrapped around the device –

appel, iphone 6, ios

The best Fitness

You can not say that the field of competition only between each of American society (Apple) and the Korean company (Samsung) is the field of patents , which reached the two companies for the places of the judiciary repeatedly but markets remain on the world stage , the real conflict between Alamlaqaan , and in this regard comes new figures confirm Apple’s dominance in the market for the United States and export sales for Samsung in the Chinese market .
According to a study by the company ( comScore ) and is a company specialized in marketing research, where the provision of data and marketing services for many of the largest Internet companies in the world, Apple is first factory for smartphones in the U.S. skyrocket during last September , where the percentage of sales from 40.6 percent market share in the United States , followed by Samsung in second place with 24.9 percent, then the Taiwanese HTC Pencah 7.1 and Motorola and LG all in mattresses Alahakh .However, the success of Apple smart phones in does not match the success of a similar level of operating on the following Android phones as a solution in the first place 51.8 percent, followed by the system systems operating iOS (Apple) to 40.6 percent , a figure that probably reflects the technical problems experienced by new Apple operating system iOS7 shortly after his release for markets.
On the other hand , according to a report by the Centre for Studies ( Canalys ), the Samsung dominate the Chinese market, the same reason given leaders of local Chinese companies like Lenovo.The report indicates that sales of smart phones from Samsung come to the forefront of smart phone sales in China rose 21 percent in the Althelt Aiit the year 2013 , about 56 percent from the same period last year and by specialists back to the good reputation of Samsung products generally (screens , smart phones , tablet PCs ) . Although the Chinese company Lenovo received only only 13 percent of the market share in China , which is an excellent result for Samsung we know that the Chinese market accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world market and sold more than 100 million smart phones.The (Apple) has increased by 32 percent, but still below the level of Samsung and Lenovo

Apple first in America and Samsung dominate the Chinese market

appel, samsung, ios, android

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